Here is a short video [4 mins] to introduce the module.
These lecture notes are produced for the University of Leeds module MATH3823 - Generalized Linear Models for the academic year 2023-24. Please note that this material also forms part of the module MATH5824 - Generalized Linear and Additive Models. They are based on the lecture notes used previously for this module and I am grateful to previous module lecturers for their considerable effort: Lanpeng Ji, Amanda Minter, John Kent, Wally Gilks, and Stuart Barber. This year, again, I am using Quarto (a successor to RMarkdown) from RStudio to produce both the html and PDF, and then GitHub to create the website which can be accessed at rgaykroyd.github.io/MATH3823/. Please note that the PDF versions will only be made available on the University of Leeds Minerva system. Although I am a long-term user of RStudio, I am a novice at Quarto/RMarkdown and a complete beginner using Github and hence please be patient if there are hitches along the way.
RG Aykroyd, Leeds, January 3, 2024
Changes since last year
Feedback from the students last year was very positive, but there were consistent comments regarding two issues: (1) a shortage of practice exercises and the opportunity to discuss these in class, and (2) limited RStudio support in preparation for the assessment. For the first of these, additional exercises have been prepared and are included in the learning material. Also, I am trying some short quizzes so that you can check your basic knowledge. Further, I intend to set-aside some lecture time for us to discuss selected exercises. For the second, an additional computer session has been added, in Week 5 (26 February - 1 March), this is 3 weeks before the assessed practice in Week 8 (18 - 22 March). Further, a few new instructional videos will be available addressing some RStudio topics. Together, these represents a considerable about of extra work for me, but I hope that they are helpful and so please give your feedback whenever there is an opportunity.
Generative AI usage within this module
The assessments for this module fall in the red category for using Generative AI which means you must not use Generative AI tools. The purpose and format of the assessments makes it inappropriate or impractical for AI tools to be used.
Statistical ethics and sensitive data
Please note that from time to time we will be using data sets from situations which some might perceive as sensitive. All such data sets will, however, be derived from real-world studies which appear in textbooks or in scientific journals. The daily work of many statisticians involves applying their professional skills in a wide variety of situations and as such it is important to include a range of commonly encountered examples in this module. Whenever possible, sensitive topics will be signposted in advance. If you feel that any examples may be personally upsetting then, if possible, please contact the module lecturer in advance. If you are significantly effected by any of these situations, then you can seek support from the Student Counselling and Wellbeing service.
Official Module Description
Module summary
Linear regression is a tremendously useful statistical technique but is very limited. Generalised linear models extend linear regression in many ways - allowing us to analyse more complex data sets. In this module we will see how to combine continuous and categorical predictors, analyse binomial response data and model count data.
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
- carry out regression analysis with generalised linear models including the use of link functions;
- understand the use of deviance in model selection;
- appreciate the problems caused by overdispersion;
- fit and interpret the special cases of log linear models and logistic regression;
- use a statistical package with real data to fit these models to data and to write a report giving and interpreting the results.
Generalised linear model; probit model; logistic regression; log linear models.
University Module Catalogue
For any further details, please see MATH3823 Module Catalogue page